Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lo spread sotto la soglia dei 150 punti Rendimento Btp al minimo storico

Spread e Borsa di oggi
Tuffo sotto quota 150 - fino a 147 punti in mattinata e anche in chiusura di giornata - per lo spread tra Btp e Bund, mentre tocca il minimo storico al 2,41% il rendimento del titolo decennale italiano. Gli operatori lo chiamano «effetto-Draghi» segnalando le aspettative dei mercati nei confronti del presidente della Bce dal quale ci si aspetta il varo di cosiddette misure non convenzionali o «quantitative easing», l’acquisto di titoli privati e pubblici già sperimentato dagli Usa per stimolare l’economia e contrastare stagnazione e deflazione in Europa. 

Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News

NSA's ICReach acts as Google for US citizen, foreign national metadata

NSA and us (not US)

Are you sure that you sex performance declared in an email to your friend has been sent to him only?
New documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal the inner workings of a potent tool used by the NSA called ICReach, a Google-like search engine which shares the metadata of millions of citizens and foreign nationals.

Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News

Gaza, c'è l'accordo per una nuova tregua. Hamas festeggia "la vittoria della resistenza"

Tregua a lungo termine a Gaza
Egitto conferma il raggiungimento dell'intesa. Saranno aperti i valichi della Striscia per far entrare gli aiuti. Oltre 100 razzi lanciati verso Israele oggi: colpiti i villaggi del Neghev

Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC Nes (via ANSA)

Putin And Poroshenko Handshake At 'Peace Talks'

Putin and Poroshenko
Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko and Russian leader Vladimir Putin have sat down for talks - hours after video footage of captured Russian soldiers risked inflaming tensions between the two countries. The two leaders met alongside senior EU officials in Belarus, where Mr Putin said the conflict in eastern Ukraine would not be solved by a military escalation in the region. 
Mr Poroshenko said the talks would decide "the fate of Europe and the world".
Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News

France Hollande: New team named after ministers rebel

French President Francois Hollande has named a new cabinet under PM Manual Valls, dropping ministers who rebelled against austerity cuts. The first government of Mr Valls, who was appointed less than five months ago, fell on Monday after a row with Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg.
Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News

Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano was hit by a magnitude 5.7 earthquake on Tuesday morning, the largest since tremors began in the area last week. The country's Met Office said despite the shock - the fourth magnitude five quake in 48 hours - there is still no sign of a volcanic eruption. On Sunday, Iceland lowered the aviation risk to its second highest level.
Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News

'Horrific' Cases Of Child Abuse in Rotherham (UK)

Child abuse

An independent review has found the local council and other agencies could and should have done more to protect those at risk.More than 1,400 children were sexually exploited in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has concluded. The abuse of children, some just 11 years old, has been described as "horrific". The report also found it is "not confined to the past but continues to this day". In the summary of her findings, independent reviewer Alexis Jay OBE writes: "It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that the victims suffered.

Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News (va SkyNews)

Other McDonald's restaurants closed


Yet another two McDonald's restaurants in Russia have been forced to shut their doors after a sanitation watchdog closed down four outlets in Moscow. The Federal Consumer Protection Service said in a statement Tuesday that the only McDonald's in the southern city of Stavropol was closed due to "sanitary violations."
Rotterdam,26/08/2914-INC News

Russian Rock Star Makarevich Slammed in State TV Smear Campaign

Russian rock star
Getting millions of Russians to turn their love for a local rock legend into hate may be a difficult task, but now that artist Andrei Makarevich has criticized Moscow's policies in Ukraine, state-run television seems to be giving this its best shot.
Makarevich, the founder and lead singer of the Mashina Vremeny (Time Machine) rock band who has already seen Russian lawmakers call for stripping him of state awards, has now become a target of a disparaging program that the state-run NTV network aired during prime-time hours on Sunday.
Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News

Facebook cambia algoritmo

Addio sui Facebook ai post acchiappa click, in inglese click-bait, che hanno titoli esca e non forniscono informazioni. Il parametro di cui terrà conto l'algoritmo del NewsFeed, il flusso di notizie che appare agli utenti, sarà quello del tempo speso a leggere una notizia. E' questa la novità annunciata ufficialmente dal social network.

Goodbye to post on Facebook catcher click, click-bait in English, which have titles bait and do not provide information. The parameter of the algorithm which take account of the News Feed, the flow of news that appears to users, will be that of the time spent reading a news item. And this is the news officially announced by the social network.

Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News (via ANSA)

Anche la sigaretta elettronica non puo' essere fumata nei luoghi pubblici - Forbidden smoking in public area the electronic sigaret

Non molto tempo fa abbiamo contestato, in questo blog e in alcuni commenti fatti su altre riviste, l'uso della sigaretta elettronica perchè non sufficientemente sperimentata prima della messa in circolazione. I nostri atteggiamenti furono contestati, ma oggi l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità comunica in una nota che la sigaretta elettronica non può essere fumata nei locali pubblici alla stessa stregua della sigaretta normale, aggiungendo che la proibizione deriva dalla pericolosità del fumo passivo. In una seconda nota vista nei Taboilds di oggi, si fa riferimento anche alla necessità di non far fumare la sigaretta elettronica alle gestanti per pericolo di danni sul feto. Non può esserci consumo di cose pericolose senza una adeguata ed approfondita ricerca prima del consumo stesso.

Not long ago we challenged in this blog and in some of the comments made ​​in other reviews, the use of the electronic cigarette because it does not adequately tested before being put into circulation. Our attitudes were challenged, but today the World Health Organization announced in a statement that the electronic cigarette can not be smoked in public places, the same way as the normal cigarette, adding that the prohibition stems from the dangers of passive smoking. In a second note in view Taboilds today, it also refers to the need not to smoke the electronic cigarette for pregnant women for risk of harm to the fetus. There can be no consumption of dangerous things without adequate and thorough research before consuming it.

No hace mucho nos desafía en este blog y en algunos de los comentarios realizados en otras críticas, el uso del cigarrillo electrónico, ya que no probó adecuadamente antes de su puesta en circulación. Nuestras actitudes fueron impugnadas, pero hoy la Organización Mundial de la Salud anunció en un comunicado que el cigarrillo electrónico no se puede fumar en lugares públicos, del mismo modo que el cigarrillo normal, y agregó que la prohibición se deriva de los peligros del tabaquismo pasivo. En una segunda nota en la vista de muchos Taboilds hoy, también se refiere a la necesidad de no fumar el cigarrillo electrónico para las mujeres embarazadas por el riesgo de daño al feto. No puede haber consumo de cosas peligrosas sin una investigación adecuada y exhaustiva antes de consumirla.

Rotterdam, 26/08/2014-INC News (copyright©INC News)

В Актау покалечили ребенка, выбросив с балкона старый телевизор

Ukraine president dissolves parliament and names October election date




Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signs decree to dissolve parliament